World Folkfest
Rules and Regulations
All participants must be over the age of 11. Any exception(s) must be written by the general director before the festival.
All participants shall be housed with volunteering host families. Host families are not paid for their hospitality. There are no other housing facilities other than those with host families.
All groups must arrive on Sunday, the week of the festival. World Folkfest will provide transportation from Salt Lake City International Airport to Springville and from Springville to the Salt Lake City International Airport directly before and directly following the festival unless other transportation arrangements have been made with festivals working in conjunction with World Folkfest.
If your group needs to split up and arrive at Salt Lake International Airport at different times, we ask that you arrive within two hours of each other.
If you would like to sightsee before or after the festival, we suggest you contact a qualified travel agent. You will be solely responsible for all sightseeing costs before or after arriving at our festival.
Other than those planned by host families during allotted times, group sightseeing excursions must be done before or after the festival dates. Any group who leaves during the set festival time and dates will thus forfeit the entire group from further participation in the festival, all provided lodging, provided transportation, and all other contractual agreements with World Folkfest therein.
It is understood that groups must be ready to participate at all times in activities and events planned by the World Folkfest. Directors must ensure that all group members are assembled, warmed up, and ready when scheduled events begin.
All directors, participants, and host families will receive a Daily Schedule of events upon arrival. Due to last-minute requirements, the festival provided Daily Schedule may be changed. Notice of said World Folkfest will provide changes and updates to directors as they occur.
World Folkfest, Committee, Board of Directors, Associations of Spring Acres Park, nor Springville City Corporation are not responsible for any thefts or losses, including but not limited to group transportation and during activities.
All festival participants are required to secure medical insurance that is good in the United States and send proof of insurance to the World Folkfest International Director before the contractual due date found on World Folkfest applications and contracts. Neither the World Folkfest Committee, the Board of Directors, nor host families will pay for any medical or hospital costs incurred by participants during the festival. ALL costs must be paid for by the patient at the time medical services are rendered; the patient should then file a claim with his or her own insurance company.
All dances must be performed to live music using traditional and culturally accurate instruments unless otherwise authorized. All performers, music, and dance must wear traditional (and modest) costumes.
All Group Applications must be emailed to worldfolkfest.intdirector@gmail.com. Groups wishing to appear at the World Folkfest must submit an application to appear in the summer BEFORE the desired yearly date. Applications are accepted between May and August the year prior to festival appearance. Late applications may be considered only if there is an opening in the festival(s) and if travel Visas are not required.
Group Applications must include: World Folkfest Official Application
Group Youtube Link(s)
Group Facebook Page
Color Photos
Brief History of Group
Brief Description of Dances, Costumes
and Musical Instruments that will be used.
All promotional material giving full license to World Folkfest to use must be submitted to the International Director for consideration on or before August the year before the festival.
A more detailed rules and regulations document is available upon request to the International Director.
The above terms and conditions are subject to change.